Monday, August 30, 2010


This pictures makes me think of what the last 2 months have been like for our family!  I thought I would post the happenings of what we have been doing.  In July Vienna was born.  Because Milan was breach I had to have a c-section and I tried so hard to do a v-back with Sofia.  But it didn't work out that way.  So with Vienna I had another c-section.  I went into labor early and had my c-section.  I prayed so hard that it would go well with no problems. Well the recovery was a lot harder than I had thought.  Instead of getting better each day I got worse.  I had a fever of 103!  I was in a lot of pain and ended up being in bed and pain until week 3 of recovery.  It was not fun.  Luckily my little sister came and stayed with us for 2 weeks.  She was a life saver and helped my family out in many ways..  During the time she was here my incision got a fluid pocket and opened up.  It was scary.  I was on the couch when it happened and at first my sister thought I was bleeding out.  (I was scared)...  Thanks to a good friend and neighbor who is a nurse she came over and saved the day.  She knew what to do and helped me get to the doctor.  Found out I had a fluid pocket which was causing all the pain and all the pressure finally opened up my incision to help it to drain.  That was a wonderful day.  Because that is when the pain went away. Also during this time both Milan and Sofia got the croup cough.  I was so worried the baby might get it.  I kind of locked the baby and I in my room so the girls could not pass what they had to the baby.

During this time Vienna has done a lot of crying!  I thought it was due to colic baby.  She has been crying day and night.  Does not leave much time for momma to get anything done.  I feel so lucky to have a husband at home to help out.  Vienna has been doing a lot of spitting up.  This week on Tuesday I was home alone in the evening with the girls.  Vienna was on the boppy and I was rocking her to stay calm.  At one point she spit up a lot of milk.  It went out her mouth and nose.  At first I thought she was okay.  I picked her up and realized she was having difficulty breathing.  I started to panic when she got that panic look in her eye.  Then I realized it was pretty serious.  I thought in my mind call 911?  Then I thought go to Kim's house now.  I left the two girls and ran with baby to Kim's.  I knocked and she came to the door.  I explained baby isn't breathing well.  Kim took her from me.  Told me to get the green bulb to suction out the mouth.  We ran to my house and Kim stayed calm and helped with getting everything out. What seemed like FOREVER!  She finally started breathing normal.  So thankful for Kim and her nursing skills.  I was so scared!  We took Vienna to the doctor and she has reflux.  We now have her on medicine and adding rice cereal to breast milk.  I pray this experience never happens again.  Pretty scary.  Vienna has been a little happier the past 2 days.  I hope it lasts.  She has even slept through most of the night.  

I am so thankful to having good family, friends to help me during this difficult time.  It has been a time of happiness and trial all in one.  So thankful to all the meals that were brought in and to friends for all the help.  I am so thankful to a wonderful husband who has let me get lots of sleep.  I couldn't have done it alone.  


T J V said...

I am so thankful you have such a wonderful neighbor and she was able to help you and baby Vienna. I am glad that both of you are doing better now. And as the mom of a former reflux baby, it will pass. Just keep reminding yourself that as the months go by it will lessen more and more.

Renee said...

I am so glad your neighbor was able to help! Wow, that is scary! I hope little Vienna is feeling better and happier.

Becca said...

Ohmygoodness, Amy, I can't even imagine how terrified you must've been!!! I'm so glad Vienna's okay, and so glad you have such a great neighborhood support system. Reflux can be really tough on little babies. Glad she's feeling better!