Thursday, November 15, 2007


Well Chantel tagged me again. This time it is to explain how you met your husband and got married. My story is a great one! Munich and I met through a friend of his (my boyfriend/finance at the time). Munich used to come and hang out at my parents house with us. One time Munich and I even went out to a concert together. Munich eventually moved away for a year, I broke up with the guy right when Munich moved away. A year later in December Munich walked by my work I saw him and we talked. I invited him to my sisters wedding reception and he came. That night we decided we liked each other. Dated exactly 6 days before we got engaged. Then 7 days later we were married in the Bountiful temple. We did not have a digital camera at the time. Hence the blury pictures. And because we didn't date very long before we were married, no fun dating pictures of us. That is our story.
Now I am tagging Tamara, Stephanie, Kim and April.


Pearcyfamilyfun said...

WOW!!! That is amazing! It is SO fun to hear how people met their spouses. You guys are awesome!!

Mike and Kim said...

What a beautiful bride and groom, so young and in love. That is a crazy story, I guess the best way to get to know someone is to marry them. I think Munich got pretty lucky.