Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Here are a couple pictures of Milan and Sofia playing on my bed. She is getting bigger. Today we had to take Sofia to the clinic to get her blood drawn. They are checking her thyroid level again. I thought they would just do a heal prick again. Needles to say they didn't. They had to take blood from her arm. I think it hurt me more than it did her. She only cried when they first put the needle in. It was awful to watch the guy stick the needle and then he was searching around for the vein once it was in. She is such a sweet baby because once the needle was in she smiled at him and kept looking around. I love her so much!!

Milan loves to hold her sister.


Shepherd Family ACALPM said...

I love pictures of baby S... but seriously you need to get a better angle! all the pictures of her at pretty much at this angle! get her on her tummy or sitting in something... I know Bossy huh? :O) still love ya though!

Deborah said...

I love her hair!