Saturday, March 27, 2010

IT IS A........................................

Wednesday was the big day! I went to have my ultra sound to make sure baby is healthy as far as they can tell in the ultra sound. I got there a few minutes early and drank the 24 oz an hour early like they ask. Well I think I actually drank more than that. I waited and waited and waited. I started to think I was going to die if I didn't get into the appointment. Finally 15 minutes past appointment I ran up to the lady at the desk and said I am not going to make it if you don't get me in now. Have you ever had this feeling? It is not fun while being pregnant. She made a quick call and said 2 more minutes. I thought to myself I hope we don't have an accident. I took deep breaths and finally he came and got me. I thought those 5 -10 minutes of him checking were the longest ever in my life. I hope I never have to experience that again. After I finally was able to use the ladies room I was excited to see the baby and find out if we were having pink or blue. And the verdict is PINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe we are going to have another little girl running around the house. I am happy. Girls are what I am used to. The rest of the ultra sound the tech took his time making sure everything was okay with baby. After what seemed like forever I started to get really sleepy thinking this is taking forever. Finally I asked is everything okay? Can you even tell me? He did say, "what I can tell you is your baby is fine." What did that mean? He then said I will be right back. He was gone for a little bit. That gave me some time to panic. Something is wrong. I check my watch-- It was almost 5:30pm. I got into the room at 3:50. That is a long time! What is wrong? He finally came back with the Dr. Not a good sign! The Dr. said baby is measuring larger that what they thought. Asked if my babies were big. No-- Milan 6lbs and Sofia 5lbs. Maybe this will be a bigger baby. I hope. I have actually gained weight this pregnancy. With the last two I lost weight the entire time. Dr. didn't seem to alarmed about that. Then he asked the tech to help him and the Doctor was using the ultra sound. Finally he tells me they are concerned because the cord is like a tie around her neck. That really scared me! Doctor then said my OB will want to follow this close and monitor rest of pregnancy. Then the Doctor left. I was pretty upset about it at this point. The tech tried to make me feel better and said he doesn't see this all the time but no worries and it does happen and he has seen worse wrapped around several times. I was still nervous about it when I left. I have never heard of this happening this early in pregnancy. I have done some research and found it does happen and most of the time baby is healthy and fine. So the best I can do is stay positive and have my OB monitor closely. This is something as a shock but I pray that all will go well with her. And pray she can be safe and or get the cord off her neck while she moves around so much. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers!


Littleshortstacks said...

Congrats on your third girl! I'll be thinking about you two. Keep us updated, we'll be praying for this little new little one.

Renee said...

Amy, I will be praying for you and the baby girl. Try not to worry.

Congratulations on baby girl number 3!

Amy said...

Congratulations on your baby girl!! How exciting!

We will be praying for her that all goes well during the rest of your preganancy!

Bethany said...

OH WOW, another girl!! Your poor husband! LOL! I hope the cord issue resolves itself, but I totally understand your concern. It is hard to know what a little movement could do ... just watch carefully for lack of movement so you can run in to be checked if you are not feeling her much.

Becca said...

YAY, another girl!!! How exciting!

Try to stay as calm and relaxed as you can. I imagine they'll be seeing you regularly for additional ultrasounds as a result? I'm hoping everything goes okay!

Hey, if you are around this weekend, Sammi and I would love to maybe come to Arlington for a visit and meet up to play at the playground! I know Sunday's Easter, but we're free both days. :-)