Monday, January 10, 2011


It's been a long time since I have posted on my blog.  I feel awful about it and I hope that I can get better at posting more on here.  It really seems like life has been busy the past few months.  We have had a few sick bugs in our home and just life in general keeping us busy.  Right after Christmas we made a quick trip over to Palmyra, New York to visit my parents who are serving a mission for our church.  It has been a long time since I have seen my parents. The girls had a wonderful time seeing Grandpa and Grandma.  Milan cried when we left she was so sad knowing it was going to be awhile until we saw them again.  I'm really proud of my parents for taking this time to serve a mission and it is such a self-less thing they are doing.  I truly feel blessed for them doing this.  

We got a special VIP tour of the log home by my father.  Milan loved it.  Our family is doing really well.  The past few months have been a time of pondering and thankfulness for family.  Munich and I have been making some choices recently about life and some changes are coming soon for our family.  They are exciting changes and along with that they are also hard changes for us.  Lots of thought and tears and prayers.  We truly feel like the choice we are making will be hard but also wonderful in the long run for our family.  I hope to post on here soon about what these changes are.  I am so thankful for family and feel like God has lead Munich and I to where we should be in life.  I have really learned a lot about trusting in God lately and faith that things work out.  I am excited about our future and thankful for all that Munich and I have been blessed with.


Becca said...

Changes? You've piqued my me, Amy!!